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We Are Extending Expiration Dates Until June 1st

Because the active COVID-19 virus will financially impact so many people in our communitites, we want to do our part to relieve any stress or worry about remaining active on while COVID-19 social distancing requirements are in effect. After June 1st, we will re-assess and continue to extend profile expirations until social distancing requirements have been lifted.

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New Support Levels

Beginning April 1, 2020 keeping an active profile and availability calendar on will require an annual support payment. 

The annual support options per profile are:

  • $15 for doulas creating new profiles
  • $25 for established, active doulas
  • $50 for doulas who have received paying clients from their profile

Doulas choose the level of financial support that matches their use of the site. 

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Search Results Best Practice

Your ranking in search results is determined by when you last updated or refreshed your calendar.  Doulas with the most recent calendar update/refresh are always at the top of the search results.  Doulas in competitive markets update or refresh their availability calendar daily.

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Introducing the new

We are about to release a major upgrade in the style and visual appearance of  That release will occur on Friday, February 7th at 9pm, PST.

Since 2008, supporting our work has been voluntary.  We are enormously grateful for your current support of our work.  Without you, this site would not exist.  Thank you.

Going forward with this release, annual support of our work will now be required from all doulas who keep profiles on  As we’ve done in the past, doulas will be able to select a level of financial support that matches their use of the site and the value they receive. 

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