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You Have a New Client Message

We have increased security for both doulas and inquiring clients with a new method for doulas to retrieve clients' contact information.

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Anarcha Lucy Betsey Day of Reckoning Part 3

The DoulaMatch team attended the 2024 Anarcha Lucy Betsey Day of Reckoning Conference on perinatal health and reproductive justice in Montgomery Alabama.  Read on for our highlights and learnings.

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2023 DONA International Summit

We recently attended the 2023 DONA International Summit in Minneapolis.  Read on for a summary of highlights from the conference.

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Improve Your Rank in Search Results

You are in complete control of where you appear in the search results.  As a doula availability database, we are so much more than a listing service.

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Update Your Calendar; Get More Clients

Clients are looking for doulas who are available nine months from now and eight to nine weeks from now.  Is your calendar updated to show that you're available to take these clients?

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