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You Have a New Client Message

We have increased security for both doulas and inquiring clients with a new method for doulas to retrieve clients' contact information.

This scam-busting release requires doulas to go to their profile page to see inquiring clients' messages and contact information by using this link: when you're logged into your account.

Don't worry!  You'll still get an email from us at letting you know a client has contacted you.  The only difference is that you'll need to retrieve the message and the client's contact information from your DoulaMatch profile.  

Here is what the email from us will look like:

New Client Email Inquiry

When you receive one of those emails from us, (HINT:  Make certain is an email address that never goes to your spam or junk folder.  Here's a good article on how to white list important email addresses so they never go to spam folders) go to your CLIENT MESSAGES link under your ACCOUNT DASHBORAD tab.

Client Messages on DoulaMatch

Here's what you'll see on your CLIENT MESSAGE link when you receive an inquiry message:

New Client Message on DoulaMatch Profile Page

You are welcome to test out the system for yourself.  Send yourself a test inquiry message by clicking on your CONTACT button on your profile page.

Contact Kim James

Send yourself an inquiry:

Message from Client to Doula

Then, make sure the email from has not landed in your spam or junk folder and go to your profile to see your test client inquiry on your CLIENT MESSAGES link.

All feedback is welcome at

-Kim and Pat James