Recognize & Stop Scammers from Harrassing YOU!
We are quite aware of the awful, pervy scammers that waste everyones' time and have found doulas to be the latest easy targets. Protect yourself by recognizing and immediately stopping communication from internet scammers. Here is our advice:
Scam and harassing phishing calls all have similar elements. The scammer:
- Tries to hook your emotions with a distressing or tragic story (just moved, boyfriend left, homeless and pregnant, etc..)
- Asks for inappropriate information (your resume,etc)
- Tries to keep communicating with you by asking lots of rhetorical and nonsensical questions
- Won't answer clarifying questions
- Gives incomplete, inaccurate and false information
If something doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. Don't respond to emails and block the number.
Please rest assured that DoulaMatch never reveals your email address. Inquiries from DoulaMatch always come from our secure server with the email address admin@doulamatch.net
What you can do to protect your privacy and contact information on the internet:
- Remove your phone number and email address from your business website and anywhere it appears on the internet.
- Use a contact form on your business website. Using a contact form gives inquiring parents a way to reach out to you without using your private, business email address or phone number.
- Only give your private, business phone number and email address to families once they've become your clients.
Using secure contact methods, like we do at DoulaMatch, will greatly reduce these time wasting scam and phishing contacts: https://wpforms.com/8-reasons-why-you-need-a-contact-form/