Please Add Your Language(s) Spoken
We've added a Languages Spoken section to this page so doulas can select which languages they speak. Prospective clients will now be able to search for doulas by language on this page. Please update your profile to include the language(s) you speak, even if it's only english. This will help populate our list of languages. Right now, the languages you see are the 25 most common languages spoken in the US and Canada. However, we know doulas and parents speak more languages than what's on this list.
If you don't see your language, we can add it to the list. Send an email to kim@doulamatch.net so I can add it to the language list.
Hint: Try searching searching for yourself on this page using your zip code and your language. If you don't see yourself come up in search results, it's because you have not yet added your language to this page. Once you add your language(s) spoken to your profile page, you'll be included in search results where language spoken is one of the search criteria.