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Improve Your Rank in Search Results

Update Your Availability is an AVAILABILITY database, not a listing service! You get to control where you appear in search results.

Clicking the blue Mark Calendar as Current button on this page: IMMEDIATELY moves you to the top of the search results!

If you live in a competitive market, folks update their availability every day (and sometimes more often than that) to stay on the first page of search results.

Why we do this: We want families who come to our site to be rewarded with a friction-free experience of reaching out to doulas who are most likely to be available when clients inquire.

If that's you, we want inquirng families to be able to find YOU first by having you show up first in search results.

We very intentionally want doulas to fall to the bottom of the search results if they aren't currently seeking clients and are not active on our site.

Best of luck to you in all your doula endeavors!