DoulaMatch BlogNews and information about

Additional Credentials & Medicaid/3rd Party Payments

The next time you update your profile, you'll notice two new features.  You can now:

  1. Upload additional credential images, and
  2. Indicate if you are currently eligible to accept Medicaid or 3rd party insurer payments

Additional Credential Images

Use this feature to upload up to 5 images of credential certificates of your additional qualifications, trainings and certifications that support your doula work.

Other Credentials

Medicaid and 3rd Party Insurer Payments

Doulas who are currently eligible to accept their state's Medicaid reimbursement or other 3rd party insurer payments may now indicate that on their DoulaMatch profiles.  Families searching for doulas who accept their insurance plans can find those doulas using the the more search options feature.
